
Filtration is our passion. We have been active in this fascinating world since 1957, advancing the field and setting new standards: for clean air, for clear water, for our customers. As part of the Freudenberg Group with 48,000 employees around the world, our thoughts and actions are guided by reliable values.

With our solutions, we seek to protect humans and the environment and conserve natural resources. We help our customers optimize industrial processes and make them more efficient. What inspires us: Health and comfort coupled with technical expertise for greater efficiency in industrial processes.

Our customers benefit from application-optimized filtration solutions in many markets

Filtration Know-How

Our industry expertise ranges from automotive, mining and chemicals all the way to cement. Our special fields of competence are: Paint industry, gas turbines and compressors, food and beverage industry, gas phase filtration, end consumer applications, industrial water treatment, dust removal and environmental protection.

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