
Lincoln Industrial Corporation, an American based company, is the world leader in the manufacture and supply of premier automated centralized lubrication systems and related equipment. Our highly engineered products are applicable to almost all sectors of the industrial market.

For more than 100 years, companies have relied on our technical and quality leadership, our world-class manufacturing and customer service, and our vast network of distributors and support facilities. Lincoln develops new products and systems at research and development facilities in the U.S., Germany and India that provide global and regional application solutions.

Lincoln Industrial provides the worlds best lubrication solutions across a wide range of markets, including  Heavy and General Industry, Automotive Service, Off-Road Equipment, and Over-the-Road Equipment.  Our cost-effective systems can be configured to suit a wide range of needs, from automatically feeding thousands of lubrication points on a fleet of road-graders to providing manual lubrication for a small automotive garage.

BDI was founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1935, is a global company experienced in developing and deploying custom distribution and supply chain solutions for our customers. From 200+ locations in 12 countries, BDI serves multiple industries.

BDI CHINA (full name is BDI (Tianjin) Bearing Co., Ltd) is the wholly owned subsidiary of BDI and is one of the best strategic partners of Lincoln. Large stock allows us to provide you with best price and quick delivery.


Send Inquiries and Contact Now: marketing2@bdichina.com

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